Library to store all your files

The Library serves as the central location to store assets that can be used and re-used at different locations in Marigold Engage. This includes:

  • Files - Currently following types are supported: All image file types, JS files and CSS files including the following font types: eot, ttf, woff, woff2, svg.
    Image files can then be selected easily in the Image Component placed in a message. CSS and JS files can be used in the source code by using the following expressions :

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[%resource('bootstrap.css')%]">
    <script src="[%resource('jqueryvalidate2.js')%]" type="text/javascript"></script>

Important Note: The maximum image size allowed to upload is 4 MB by default. This is configurable in the customer environment.

  • Content Blocks — Content Blocks are content pieces that can be repeatedly used in messages. Think of newsletter headers and footers, logos, etc.

  • Dictionaries and labels — Dictionaries contain a collection of translations of labels or text that can be used in content for automatic translation of the most common used labels. This ensures consistency throughout content and simplifies and speeds up translation.

  • Website placements — Website placements are user-defined sections within a web page that indicate where specific Site offer content should be placed on the website, such as banners, pop-ins, etc

Note: Website placements are only available for Site customers.


When hovering over the Library entry in the left navigation bar, a fly-out menu gives direct access to recently created or edited Content Blocks, file folders and dictionaries. From the fly-out menu, you can also create new items or upload files. A search is available as well.

Note: When navigating away from the library, it remembers the last tab that was open and will automatically display that tab when returning to the Library.


The Library panel contains following tabs:

  • Files — Upload and manage images and files in the Library.
  • Content Blocks — Create and manage Content Blocks for use in messages.
  • Labels and dictionaries — Create and manage dictionaries and translated labels for use in messages.
  • Website Placements — Create and manage website placements for use on websites.